Local Outreach:
We call it “Petra” (Personal Evangelism To Reach All)
Every week our Petra teams go to the streets of Bristol with a powerful gospel message of Christ which we know is a life changing message of love and hope in a world where many have lost hope and purpose of life.
Matthew 28:19 Mark 16:15 Romans 10:14
Soup Run: Every Tuesday evening our dedicated team goes with tea, coffee, soup & sandwiches .etc to feed the homeless. (Matthew 25:35)
Prison Ministry: We are serving in 4 prisons in Bristol, where we take Sunday services periodically. (Matthew 25:36)
Hamper Project: Every Christmas we fund raise and pack food hampers to give out to those throughout Bristol that are in need.
Anyone can take part in helping! If you would like to get involved, contact us at info@carmelcentre.org